The LCYC Community Center Would Benefit All Community Members
Community centers are incredibly important for a healthy, vibrant community. These community or wellness centers provide opportunities for residents to be active and to interact with other residents. They are common ground areas that are focused on inclusivity, while fostering a culture of health and wellbeing in the communities they serve.
Moreover, they should aim to be a beacon of social responsibility for the residents; leading the way in educating about health, nutrition and general wellbeing. Here are some of the many way’s recreation facilities improve communities.
Community and Inclusivity
A community center’s main purpose should be to provide opportunities for active living and recreation in a safe, inclusive environment. By creating a positive atmosphere, these facilities become essential to personal health and wellness, thereby reducing reliance on healthcare and other costly social services. This in turn boosts the local economy and can also help contribute to overall economic development.
The social bonds that are created at community centers help build strong, safe and inclusive communities; social interaction, volunteerism, civic pride and aesthetics all play a role. After-school programs can help deter at-risk youth from criminal activities and can provide a constructive environment. These spaces are meant for all ages, ethnicities and skills levels and should promote cultural diversity and inclusion.
Creating a Wellness Culture
A community center should provide a convenient and fun opportunity for the community to stay fit. Physical activity has shown to decrease the risk of disease, improve physical and mental wellbeing, lower risk of injuries and premature death, and more. It’s no wonder a healthy, active community is a happy one.